Thai Chili and Garlic Walnut Whole Grain Noodle Salad


Walnuts, California(6 pounds, 4 ounces)6.25 pounds
Chicken, strips, unseasoned, cooked, frozen(7 pounds, 13 ounces), USDA #1104627.813 pounds
Spaghetti, whole grain, cooked(6 gallons, 1 quart), USDA #1004276.25 gallons
Lemon juice(2 quarts, ½ cup) reconstituted2.125 quarts
Soy saucelower-sodium1 quart
Thai chili and garlic sauce2 cups
Onions, green, fresh15 pounds
Bell peppers, red, sweet(10 pounds, 8 ounces)10.5 pounds
Cilantro, freshRTU1 pound



  1. Pull cooked chicken from freezer.
  2. Wash hands thoroughly and put on gloves.
  3. Place unopened pouches on sheet pan in single layer.
  4. Date stamp and place in cooler on ready-to-eat shelf.
  5. Refrigerate overnight to thaw.
  6. Pull whole-grain spaghetti from dry storage.


  1. Cook USDA whole-grain spaghetti according to package directions. Drain well. (If necessary, coat lightly with oil or pan spray to prevent noodles from clumping together when chilled.)
  2. Place in food storage container and date stamp.
  3. Refrigerate overnight.


  1. Pull RTU cilantro from cooler.
  2. Wash hands thoroughly and put on gloves.
  3. Pull leaves from stems and place leaves in food storage container.
  4. Cover, date stamp and refrigerate overnight.
  5. Pull green onions from cooler, wash thoroughly and allow drying.
  6. Wash hands thoroughly and put on gloves.
  7. Chop green onion bulb and ½ of the green.
  8. Place in food storage container.
  9. Cover, date stamp and refrigerate overnight.
  10. Pull fresh red bell peppers from cooler, wash thoroughly and allow drying.
  11. Wash hands thoroughly and put on gloves.
  12. Chop bell peppers and place in food storage container.
  13. Cover, date stamp and refrigerate overnight.


  1. Clean and sanitize workstation.
  2. Pull entrée salad containers and lids and place at workstation.
  3. Pull thawed cooked chicken strips, spaghetti, soy sauce, lemon juice and Thai chili & garlic sauce from cooler and place at workstation.
  4. Wash hands thoroughly and put on gloves.


  1. Add lemon juice and soy sauce to spaghetti.
  2. Add Thai chili & garlic sauce. Toss to mix well. Cover and set aside.
  3. Dice chicken strips. Cover and set aside for assembly.
  4. Pull chopped green onioins, chopped bell peppers, cilantro from cooler, and place at workstation.
  5. Pull walnut pieces from freezer and place at workstation.
  6. Set up assembly line.
  7. Wash hands thoroughly and put on gloves.
  8. Using an 8-ounce spoodle place 1 cup of sauced spaghetti in center of a container.
  9. Using a 2-ounce spoodle, add ¼ cup of chopped green onions to top left corner of the container.
  10. Using a 2-ounce spoodle, add ¼ cup of diced bell pepper to the bottom right corner of the container.
  11. Using a 2-ounce spoodle, place ¼ cup (1 ounce) of California walnut pieces in the top right corner.
  12. Using a 2-ounce spoodle, place 1 ounce eq (1.25 ounce actual weight) of diced chicken in the bottom left corner of the container.
  13. Sprinkle salad with a 2-ounce spoodle of cilantro leaves.
  14. Cover, date stamp and place in cooler for service.


  1. Serve one Thai Chili & Garlic Walnut Whole GrainNoodle Salad.

Recipe Notes

Production Notes: California walnuts are best kept frozen, and can be used in a frozen state. Walnuts are the only nut significantly high in the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) (2.5g/oz). If substituting yellow or green bell pepper, crediting changes to 1/2 cup other vegetables.

Allergens: Tree nuts, Wheat.

CCP: Hold below 41° F.

CCP: Hold below 41° F, and never handle ready to eat foods with bare hands

CCP: Prepare foods at room temperature in two hours or less.

CCP: Never handle ready-to-eat foods with bare hands.Yield 100 servings