Chili Con Carne


  • 3 pounds frozen raw ground beef, 85 percent lean meat and 15 percent fat (U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA] food item)
  • 1 pound and 3 ounces or 3½ cups ready-to-use, fresh yellow onions, diced
  • 1 pound and 3 ounces or 2¾ cups ready-to-use, fresh green bell peppers, diced
  • ¼ cup and 2½ teaspoons chili powder
  • ¼ cup and ¾ teaspoon paprika
  • ¼ cup and ¾ teaspoon granulated garlic
  • ¼ cup and ¾ teaspoon granulated onion
  • 2 tablespoons and 1¼ teaspoons ground cumin
  • 2 tablespoons and 1¼ teaspoons of kosher salt
  • 1¾ teaspoons ground black pepper
  • 1 quart and 1 cup water
  • 3 pounds and 14 ounces or 1 quart and 1 cup canned diced tomatoes (USDA
    food item)
  • 1 pound and 10 ounces or ¼ number 10 can tomato paste (USDA food item)
  • ⅞ number 10 can kidney beans (USDA food item)
  •  ⅞ number 10 can pinto beans (USDA food item)


To Prepare in Advance

  1. Thaw ground beef in refrigerator at 41°F or lower one or two days in advance. Critical Control Point (CCP): Thaw meat in refrigerator at 41°F or lower.
  2. Brown ground beef over high heat in stock pot or tilt skillet. Once browned, remove from stock pot, drain to remove excess fat; set aside.
  3. Sauté onions until translucent.
  4. Add peppers and continue to sauté for additional 5 minutes.
  5. Add meat to onion and pepper mixture.
  6. Combine chili powder, paprika, granulated garlic, granulated onion, cumin, salt, pepper, water, diced tomatoes, and tomato paste.
  7. Rinse and drain kidney and pinto beans. Add to meat mixture.
  8. Stir ingredients until well combined.
  9. Continue to simmer for 2 hours, stirring frequently. CCP: Cook to 165°F or higher for 15 seconds.
  10. Pour chili into one–12 inch by 20 inch by 4 inch pan. Hold for service. CCP: Hold at 135°F or higher for service.
  11. Portion ¾ cup or one–6 ounce ladle chili into 1 cup individual bowls or similar sized containers.
  12.  Serve ¾ cup or one–6 ounce ladle chili for each serving.

Recipe Options

The CA Culinary Centers have calculated and tested the yields for this standardized recipe. You may choose to vary the spices in the recipe to meet the taste preferences of your students. For example, using a 1.5 to 2 ratio for spices when doubling the recipe yield from 50 to 100. However, changing or substituting any other ingredients may result in a different yield, meal contribution, or dietary specification, and should be considered a different recipe