Black Bean Hummus, USDA


  • Beans, black, canned, low-sodium, rinsed, drained 6 pounds
  • Beans, garbanzo or chickpea, canned, low-sodium, rinsed, drained 6 pounds
  • Lemon juice (1 quart, ½ cup) 1.125 quarts
  • Garlic, cloves, fresh, peeled 12 ounces
  • Oil, olive (¼ cup, 2 tablespoons) 0.375 cup
  • Salt, kosher 1½ teaspoons
  • Cumin, ground 2 tablespoons
  • Pepper, white, ground 1 tablespoon
  • Cilantro, fresh, diced 3 ounces
  • Tortilla chips, whole-grain, optional (3 pounds, 4 ounces) 3.25 pounds


    1. Combine black beans, garbanzo beans, lemon juice, garlic, oil, salt, cumin, and pepper in a food processor. Puree on medium speed for 1-2 minutes until beans have a smooth consistency. DO NOT OVERMIX.
    2. Using a rubber spatula, scrape black bean mixture into a large bowl.
    3. Add cilantro. Stir well.
    4. Transfer 3 quarts 1/2 cup (about 7 pounds 5 ounces) black bean hummus to a steam table pan (12″ x 20″ x 2½”). Cover pans tightly.
    5. For 25 servings, use 1 pan. For 50 servings, use 2 pans.
    6. (Optional) Serve with chips.
    7. Portion with No. 8 scoop (½ cup).

    Recipe Notes

    CCP: Cool to 40° F or lower within 4 hours.

    CCP: Hold at 40° F or lower.

    Notes *See Marketing Guide for purchasing information on foods that will change during preparation or when a variation of the ingredients is available.

    Cooking Process #2: Same Day Service

    How to Cook Dry Beans

    Special tip for preparing dry beans:

    SOAKING BEANS OVERNIGHT METHOD: Add 1-¾ quarts cold water to every 1 pound of dry beans. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Discard the water. Proceed with recipe.

    QUICK-SOAK METHOD: Boil 1-¾ quarts of water for each 1 pound of dry beans. Add beans and boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to soak for 1 hour. Discard the water. Proceed with recipe.


    Once the beans have been soaked, add 1-¾ qt water for every lb of dry beans. Boil gently with lid tilted until tender, about 2 hours. Use hot beans immediately.

    CCP: Hold for hot service at 140° F or higher.


    Chill for later use.

    CCP: Cool to 70° F within 2 hours and to 40° F or lower within 4 hours.

    Yield 50 servings