Asian Noodles


Peanut Sauce(linked recipe)5 cups
Spaghetti noodles, cooked, drained40 cups
Oil, vegetable½ cup
Carrots, grated or matchstick5 cups
Broccoli florets5 cups
Snow peas4 cups
Red cabbage, shredded4 cups
Green onions, chopped3 cups


  1. In a hotel pan, add multipurpose peanut sauce to cooked and drained noodles, mix to coat noodles. Cover hotel pan and place in 350° F oven.
  2. Heat vegetable oil in tilt skillet, steam-jacket kettle or large saucepan.
  3. Stir fry carrots, broccoli, snow peas, and red cabbage for 2 minutes or until slightly tender.
  4. Remove noodles from oven and add stir fried vegetables. Toss to evenly coat vegetables and noodles with sauce.
  5. Garnish with green onions.