Apple Berry Chicken Salad

This recipe yields 50–10-ounce Apple Berry Chicken Salads in 24-ounce individual serving containers.


Ingredients list includes measure by weight or volume. Choose one measure, either weight or volume, for the ingredient. Weight is listed first in bold.

  • 6 pounds and 14 ounces frozen, fully-cooked chicken, diced (U.S. Department
    of Agriculture [USDA] food item)
  • 9 pounds and 10 ounces as purchased (AP), fresh, romaine lettuce
  • 1 pound and 14 ounces or 3 quarts and ⅔ cup fresh, ready to use green
    cabbage, shredded
  • 2 pounds and 9 ounces or 3 quarts and ½ cup AP fresh, ready to use carrots,
  • 4 pounds and 4 ounces dried cherries (USDA food item)
  • 4 pounds and 13 ounces AP fresh strawberries
  • 3 pounds and 7 ounces AP fresh, whole red or green apples
  • 1 quart citrus based juice such as orange juice
  • 3 pounds and 2 ounces English walnut pieces
  • 50–1.5 ounce packets raspberry vinaigrette


To Prepare Chicken

  1. Thaw diced chicken in refrigerator for 24 hours. Remove thawed diced chicken and place in one–12 inch by 20 inch by 4 inch steam table pan. Hold in refrigerator for assembly. Critical Control Point (CCP): Thaw and hold chicken in refrigerator at 41°F or lower.

To Prepare Salad Mixture

  1. Rinse lettuce under cold running water. Drain, trim, and chop lettuce. Place 4 gallons, 2 quarts, and 3 cups chopped lettuce in one–18 inch by 26 inch by 9 inch or one–13 gallon or similar food container. Cover and hold for assembly in refrigerator. CCP: Hold lettuce in refrigerator at 41°F or lower.
  2. Place shredded cabbage and shredded carrots in one–18 inch by 26 inches by 9 inch or one–13 gallon or similar food container. Mix cabbage and carrots together. Cover and hold in refrigerator for assembly. CCP: Hold cabbage and carrots in refrigerator at 41°F or lower.
  3. Place shredded cabbage and shredded carrots in one–18 inch by 26 inch by 9 inch or one–13 gallon or similar food container. Mix cabbage and carrots together. Cover and hold in refrigerator for assembly. CCP: Hold cabbage and carrots in refrigerator at 41°F or lower.
  4. Place dried cherries in one–10⅜ inch by 12¾ inch by 2½ inch pan or similar capacity container. Hold for assembly.
  5. Rinse strawberries under cold running water. Cut each strawberry into 4 slices. Place sliced strawberries in one–10⅜ inch by 12¾ inch by 2½ inch pan or similar capacity container. Hold for assembly.
  6. Rinse apples under cold running water. Dice apples into ¼ inch cubes and set aside in one–6⅞ inch by 12¾ inch by 2½ inch or similar capacity pan. Mix in citrus-based juice such as orange juice in pan with apples to lightly coat and to keep apples from browning. Hold for assembly.
  7. Place walnut halves in one–10⅜ inch by 12¾ inch by 2½ inch pan or similar capacity container. Hold for assembly.


  1. Arrange and stage ingredients in sequence of assembly on Ameri Pac machine or worktable to build salad.
  2. Scoop 1½ cups lettuce in a 24 ounce or similar capacity individual serving tray.
  3. Top with ½ cup or one number 8 scoop of cabbage and carrot mixture.
  4. Scoop on top ⅜ cup or one number 10 scoop of chicken.
  5. Top with ¼ cup or one number 16 scoop of sliced strawberries.
  6. Place ¼ cup or one number 16 scoop of diced apples on top.
  7. Top with ¼ cup or one number 16 scoop of dried cherries and 2 tablespoons or one number 30 scoop of walnut pieces
  8. Cover or wrap individual salads for service. CCP: Hold Apple Berry Chicken Salads in refrigerator 41°F or lower.
  9. Serve one–7½ inch by 6½ inch by 2 inch, 24 ounce container for each serving.

    Recipe Options

    The CA Culinary Centers have calculated and tested the yields for this standardizedrecipe. You may choose to vary the spices in the recipe to meet the taste preferences of your students. For example, using a 1.5 to 2 ratio for spices when doubling the recipe yield from 50 to 100. However, changing or substituting any other ingredients may result in a different yield, meal contribution, or dietary specification, and should be considered a different recipe.

    Nutritional Analysis

    Calories, in K calories: 461

    Carbohydrates, in grams: 48.20

    Protein, in grams: 28.30

    Saturated fat, in grams: 1.70

    Trans fat, in grams: 0

    Total fat, in grams: 19.40

    Sodium, in milligrams: 71.20