Popcorn Chicken and Mashed Potato Bowl
50 servings
Prep time
45 minutes
Cooking time
20 minutes
50 Popcorn Chicken and Mashed Potato Bowl
Total time
1 hour 5 minutes
Homestyle popcorn chicken and mashed potato bowl recipe with cheese, corn, and
gravy developed by the California Culinary Centers for school food service and menu planning.
This recipe yields 1 gallon and 2 quarts of mashed potatoes, 1 gallon and 2 quarts of
corn, and 12 pounds and 1 ounce of popcorn chicken for 50 servings: 16 ounce bowl filled with ½ cup mashed potatoes, ½ cup corn, ¼ cup gravy, and 3.85 ounces of popcorn chicken.
Ingredients list includes measure by weight or volume. Choose one measure, either weight or volume, for the ingredient. Weight is listed first in bold.
For the Pasta
12 pounds edible portion or 14 pounds and 13 ounces as purchased fresh,
russet potatoes, ½ inch cubed, ready-to-use, peeled or whole unpeeled.
1 gallons and 2 quarts milk, low-fat, 1 percent
¼ cup white, ground pepper
½ cup fresh garlic, minced
9 pounds and 2 ounces frozen, whole kernel corn (U.S. Department of
Agriculture [USDA] food item)
• 12 pounds and 1 ounce frozen, chicken popcorn bites, 3.85-ounces per serving
1½ cups and 1 tablespoon gravy, instant powder mix
2 quarts and 3 cups water
12.5 ounces or 3 cups and 2 tablespoons yellow, cheddar cheese, reduced fat, shredded (USDA food item)
1. Preheat convection oven to 350°F or conventional oven to 375°F.
To Prepare Mashed Potatoes
1. Boil 10 gallons of water in a tilt skillet.
2. If using fresh whole potatoes, wash, peel, and cube.
3. Add ready-to-use potatoes in tilt skillet and reduce heat to a simmer for 20 minutes or until fork tender.
4. Heat milk, garlic, and pepper in large saucepan
5. Drain potatoes. Place potatoes in tilt skillet. Slowly add milk, garlic, and pepper mixture.
6. Mash potatoes gently with potato masher until texture is creamy. Set aside in a warmer. Critical Control Point (CCP): Hold at an internal temperature of 135°F or higher.
To Prepare Corn
1. Place frozen corn in one–12 inch by 20 inch by 4 inch steam table pan for 50 servings. Bake for 30 minutes.
To Prepare Popcorn Chicken
1. Place baking pan liner on two–12 inch by 20 inch by 2 inch baking pans. Place
frozen popcorn chicken bites, single layer on pans. Bake uncovered for 7 minutes.
CCP: Heat to an internal temperature of 165°F for 15 seconds.
To Prepare Gravy
1. PHeat up water and instant gravy mixture in large saucepan. Whisk gravy until
smooth. CCP: Cook to internal temperature of 135°F or higher
To Assemble
1. Place ½ cup or number 8 scoop of mashed potato in 16 ounce microwave safe bowl or similar size container
2. Place ¼ cup or number 16 scoop of gravy on top of mashed potato.
3. Place ½ cup or number 8 scoop of corn on top of the gravy and mashed potato mixture.
4. Place 3.85 ounces or approximately 12 pieces of popcorn chicken on top of the
5. Sprinkle one tablespoon of cheddar cheese on top of the chicken.
6. Cover with a lid and hold in a warmer. CCP: Hold at an internal temperature of 135°F or higher
7. Serve ½ cup of mashed potatoes, ½ of cup corn, ¼ of cup gravy, and 3.85 ounces of popcorn chicken for each serving.
Nutritional Analysis
Calories, in K calories: 538
Carbohydrates, in grams: 63.90
Protein, in grams: 27.20
Saturated fat, in grams: 4.80
Trans fat, in grams: 0
Total fat, in grams: 21.20
Sodium, in milligrams: 580.20