Wild Blueberry Sheet Tray Pancakes with Wild Blueberry Sauce


Oats, rolled, whole1 pound
Milk, low-fat3½ cups
Eggs, large10 eggs
Vanilla extract2 tablespoons
Oil, canola¼ cup
Flour, all-purpose13¼ ounces
Baking powder3 tablespoons
Sugar, white¼ cup
Salt, kosher1 teaspoon
Wild blueberries, frozen1¾ pounds

Wild Blueberries Sauce

Wild blueberries1¾ pounds
Orange juice3 cups
Sugar, brown¼ cup
Vanilla extract2 tablespoons
Cornstarch¼ cup
Water¼ cup


  1. Preheat oven to 350 °F.
  2. Soak oats in the milk for 10 to 20 minutes.
  3. Add eggs, oil, and vanilla extract to the soaked oats. Whisk until combined.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt in a bowl. Whisk to mix thoroughly.
  5. Add flour mixture to wet mixture and stir gently until combined.
  6. Spray a full-sized sheet pan with pan spray. Add parchment to the sheet pan and press down to adhere it sheet pan. Spray the parchment.
  7. Add pancake mix to the pan.
  8. Evenly scatter frozen wild blueberries on top of pancake.
  9. Bake for 20-25 minutes until done.
  10. Let rest for 5-10 minutes.
  11. For a full-sized sheet tray cut 6 by 8 for 48 pancakes.

Wild Blueberries Sauce

  1. Combine wild blueberries, orange juice, brown sugar, and vanilla extract in a pot. Bring to a boil.
  2. In a small container dissolve cornstarch in water. Add cornstarch slurry to the wild blueberry sauce. Boil for 2 minutes until thickened.
  3. Serve ¼ cup (# 16 scoop or a 2 fl. oz. ladle) with warm pancakes

Recipe Notes

1 serving = 2 pancakes and ¼ cup sauce.