Salad Shakers, USDA


  1. Apple juice, concentrate 3 cups
  2. Oil, olive ¾ cup
  3. Vinegar, balsamic 1¼ cups
  4. Salt, kosher 2 teaspoons
  5. Pepper, black 2 teaspoons
  6. Garlic, minced 3 ounces
  7. *Spinach, baby leaves, fresh 1 pound
  8. *Tomatoes, fresh, diced 3 pounds
  9. *Cucumbers, fresh, diced (1 pound, 8 ounces) 1.5 pounds
  10. *Carrots, fresh, shredded (1 pound, 8 ounces) 1.5 pounds
  11. *Onions, red, fresh (1 pound, 4 ounces), thinly sliced 1.25 pounds
  12. Dried Cranberries 2 pounds
  13. Eggs, boiled, diced (5 pounds, 9 ounces) 5.563 pounds
  14. *Apples, diced, fresh (1 pound, 8 ounces) 1.5 pounds
  15. *Lettuce, romaine, fresh, shredded 3 pounds


  1. Dressing:
    • Pour apple juice concentrate, olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic, and spinach into a blender. Blend on high speed until dressing is liquefied and smooth. DO NOT OVERMIX.
    • For 25 servings, mix for 2-3 minutes. For 50 servings, mix for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Cover and refrigerate at 40° F until ready for service. Set aside for step 5.
  3. Place 16-ounce drinking cups with domed lids on a sheet pan (18” x 26” x 1”).
    • For 25 servings, use 2 pans (12 cups on 1 pan and 13 cups on 1 pan). For 50 servings, use 4 pans (13 cups on 3 pans and 11 cups on 1 pan).
  4. Assembly per cup:
    • First layer: Using a No. 30 scoop, portion 2 tablespoons (about 1¼ ounces) spinach dressing on the bottom of each container.
    • Second layer: Using a No. 30 scoop, portion ¼ cup (about 1 ounce) tomatoes on top of dressing.
    • Third layer: Using a No. 30 scoop, portion ⅛ cup (about ½ ounce) cucumbers on top of tomatoes.
    • Fourth layer: Using a No. 30 scoop, portion ¼ cup (about ½ ounce) carrots on top of cucumbers.
    • Fifth layer: Using a No. 24 scoop, portion ¼ cup (about ½ ounce) onions on top of carrots.
    • Sixth layer: Using a No. 40 scoop, portion 2 Tbsp (about ⅔ ounce) cranberries on top of onions.
    • Seventh layer: Using a No. 12 scoop, portion ½ cup (about 1¾ ounce) eggs on top of cranberries.
    • Eighth layer: Using a No. 30 scoop, portion ¼ cup (about ½ ounce) apples on top of eggs.
    • Ninth layer: Using a No. 12 scoop, portion ½ cup (about 1 ounce) lettuce on top of apples.
  5. Serve 1 salad shaker (16 oz cup).

Recipe Notes

CCP: Cool to 40° F or lower within 4 hours.

CCP: Hold at 40° F or below.

Notes *See Marketing Guide for purchasing information on foods that will change during preparation or when a variation of the ingredients is available.

Cooking Process #1: No Cook

Please note that some of the salad ingredients can fit into two different scoop sizes due to their cut and shape. Since the scoops provided above are those that offered the best fit for each ingredient, different portion sizes may require the same scoop size.

Serving NSLP/SBP Crediting Information: One salad shaker provides 2 oz equivalent meat/meat alternate, 3/8 cup dark green vegetable, 1/4 cup red/orange vegetable, 1/8 cup other vegetable, and 3/8 cup fruit.

Yield 5o servings