Taco Salad


Romaine lettuce, shredded9¾ pounds
Spinach, fresh3½ pounds
Tomatoes, fresh, diced(5¾ pounds)12½ cups
Red kidney beans, drained and rinsed(2½ #10 cans)25 cups
Cheddar cheese, shredded(3¼ pounds)13 cups
Tortilla chips, corn(about 1300 whole chips)6¾ pounds
Ground beef, raw, 80% lean4¼ pounds
Taco seasoning(Recipe – Scott’s Taco Seasoning)¼ pound
Water8 cups
Salsa(about 106 ounces)12 cups


  1. Wash and prepare the lettuce, spinach, and tomatoes.
  2. Combine the lettuce and spinach. Toss and array 1 cup of the mixture on each plate.
  3. Sprinkle 1/8 cup tomato, ¼ cup kidney beans, and 1/8 cup shredded cheddar cheese on each plate.
  4. Frame each plate with 13 tortilla chips.
  5. Sauté the ground beef and drain excess fat. Add water and taco seasoning to the ground beef and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.
  6. Spoon prepared ¼ cup taco meat over vegetables and serve with 1/8 cup salsa on the side.

Recipe Notes

One serving = 1/4 cup beans, 1/2 ounce cheese, 1/2 ounce beef, 1 cup lettuce and spinach mix, 1/4 cup tomatoes and salsa, 1 ounce or 13 whole corn tortilla chips