Greenville Meatloaf


Beef, ground, 85% lean meat/15% fat, raw17 pounds
Egg, Liquid whole pasteurized12 ounces
Bread crumbs(2 pounds, 8 ounces)2.5 pounds
Ketchup, tomato, bulk can3 quarts
Sauce, Worcestershire½ cup
Onions, raw(1 pound, 8 ounces), chopped1.5 pounds
Garlic powder2 tablespoons
Salt, table1 teaspoon
Pepper, black2 tablespoons


  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. In a mixer or mixing bowl, combine all ingredients (reserve 2 cups of ketchup per pan of meatloaf prepared to use in step 6) and mix thoroughly.
  3. Spray 2″ hotel pans with pan coating spray.
  4. Divide mixture evenly between pans (1 pan = 32 servings; 2 pans = 64 servings; 3 pans = 96 servings,etc.). Press meat mixture evenly in pans. Add 2 cups of ketchup per pan, spread evenly over meatloaf.
  5. Bake uncovered for approximately 40 minutes. Product must reach an internal temperature of 160° F for 15 seconds.
  6. Drain liquid from pans. Cover and place in warmer maintaining an internal temperature of 140-150° F. Product must rest in warming cabinet for 15-20 before serving
  7. Cut each pan into 32 (8 x 4) equal pieces before serving. Garnish with parsley.