Waldorf Fruit Salad, USDA


Fresh apples, cored, unpeeled, chilled, diced(2 pounds, 2 ounces)2.125 pounds
Frozen lemon juice concentrate, reconstituted¼ cup
Canned mixed fruit, chilled, drained(3 pounds, 4 ounces)3.25 pounds
Fresh celery, chilled, chopped (optional)7½ ounces
Raisins (optional)10 ounces
Reduced calorie salad dressing or lowfat mayonnaise6 ounces
Ground nutmeg (optional)½ teaspoon
Chopped walnuts8½ ounces


  1. Sprinkle apples with lemon juice to prevent discoloration.
  2. Combine apples, mixed fruit, celery (optional), raisins (optional), salad dressing or mayonnaise, and nutmeg (optional). Mix lightly to combine. Spread 6 lb 14 oz (approximately 1 gal) into each shallow pan (12″ x 20″ x 2 1⁄2″) to a product depth of 2″ or less. For 50 servings, use 1 pan.
  3. Cover. Refrigerate until service.
  4. Add nuts before service. Toss lightly. For best results, use same day.
  5. Portion with No. 12 scoop (1⁄3 cup).